Do not touch the exhibits! It is the first message you are greeted with in a museum. Beyond all the fabulous stories a museum contains, the first thing you learn is: don’t touch anything you see! Stay away, be passive, just listen.
The National Art Museum in Timișoara was selected, among 40 other European museums, for the “Doors – Digital Incubator for Museums” program organized by Ars Electronica, from Austria. An incubator for digital museums. The museographers from Timisoara have started a whole modernization process that includes actions such as Re-Connect Deco, Sigma Multisensory, Baroque Reloaded, projects with a major role in the remodeling of collections through digitalization, the development of the audience through participatory strategies and the integration of heritage into the network of national and international museums .
Dimensiunea științifică a artei: Aura Bălănescu – ep. 1 Digitalizarea aduce cu sine o dimensiune participativă a patrimoniului